The Art and Business of Witchcraft with Erika Fortner

Today’s episode is a conversation with Portland, OR’s Erika Fortner, the wonderous force behind the shop Queen Meb and The House of Twigs: School of Ritual. As Erika is such a multi-faceted being, our conversation meanders through her journey of becoming a witch and tarot reader, encounters with the divine, motherhood, and launching and growing a witchy business. She has so much wisdom to share, and we loved learning about her path.

Interested in purchasing witchy things, getting a tarot reading, or taking classes with Erika? Check out Queen Meb online, follow the shop on Instagram @q.mebpdx, or visit the brick and mortar shop if you’re in the Portland, OR, area. For more witch wisdom from many perspectives, visit Erika’s blog The House of Twigs.

Stay up to date with The Outerknown by following us on Instagram at @outerknownpod.


Gods and Omens with Hawk Grubb


Protection Magic with Marcella Kroll